Ocean Ecology Ltd

Telephone: +44 (0) 1452 740697
Email: info@ocean-ecology.com

Background Information:

Ocean Ecology Ltd is a marine ecological consultancy that specialises in undertaking a range of marine ecological surveys to feed into EIAs, monitoring programmes and research projects across the renewables industry. Ocean Ecology have specific expertise in undertaking intertidal, subtidal, marine mammal, Annex I habitat and fisheries surveys through the use of a variety of grab sampling, core sampling, drop down camera systems, ROV’s, trawling, potting as well as undertaking walkover, RIB based and hovercraft surveys. Additionally Ocean Ecology provide expertise in the analysis of faunal samples, sediment samples (PSA) and seabed imagery at its laboratory in the South West of England along with high quality consultancy services that include data analysis and GIS as well as writing of ES chapters and monitoring reports. Ocean Ecology therefore represents a high quality, cost-effective one-stop-shop for provision of marine ecological services to marine developers, consultancies and stakeholders.

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